The Herberger Institute is a design and arts college that prioritizes both excellence and access, situated at one of the best global research universities in the world.
Perhaps most important: At a time when the fabric of our democracy can feel perilously close to fraying, when the world seems on the brink of catastrophe, our students are being trained to engage thoughtfully, to ask deep questions, to imagine alternatives. They are learning how to deploy their talents as artists, designers and scholars in service of the communities in which they live and work, and beyond those communities.
In this issue of DISRUPT, which serves as a snapshot of the 2022-23 school year with some glimpses of things to come, you’ll read about just a few of our students and faculty and the incredible work they’re doing.
If you’re interested in learning more, you can track stories and sign up for our monthly newsletter here.
Thank you for reading.
Steven J. Tepper
Dean and Director, Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts